Science Shows
I teach live K-12 science workshops across the country, and online science classes worldwide that focus on wonder, discovery, and imagination.
My award-winning online science program provides K-12 students with a solid education in physics, chemistry, astronomy, robotics, marine biology, engineering, alternative energy, and much more.
Download my free collection of best science experiments so you can get started today inspiring your own students and kids about the incredible world all around them.
a little about..
Since 1996, Aurora Lipper (me!) has been helping families learn science. As a mechanical engineer, university instructor, pilot, astronomer, and rocket scientist, I can transform toilet paper tubes into real working radios and make laser light shows from Tupperware. But my favorite thing to do is inspire students to be the absolute best they can be.

My passion has always been kids. I’ve never really gotten over being one myself.
I am just a girl searching and working to live a life full of dreams, ambition, and passion while making a real difference in the world.
I know I’ve made that difference when I see the lights shine in kids’ eyes and that sense of “A-ha!” truly awaken in them.
People watch my videos and hear me live on stage and they say things like, “Who IS this person? I’ve never seen that before. She must be born with it.”
The real story is that I wake up every day with a big grin, feeling ever-grateful for my chance at making a difference by feeling alive, living with passion, playfulness, and love.

The true story is that I’ve studied science, engineering, technology, mathematics, psychology, and leadership for 15 years. I’m an avid reader and quick learner, and I am driven to constantly make today better than yesterday. I attended personal growth workshops, listen to countless interviews and world-class mentors.
The “behind the scenes” story is that I’m a human, and I’ve tried loads of experiments that didn’t work, shot videos of projects that totally bombed, taught classes that went awry, have felt completely deer-in-the-headlights terrified backstage, and failed again and again on my path of being “born with it”. It’s these failures that have made me the person I am today, because with each one I’ve taken the lesson and moved forward. I wouldn’t trade any of it in. It’s only a failure if I didn’t learn from it.
The best story is how my work impacts others. It’s thousands of students out there who’s lives are a little better because we crossed paths. It’s stories of amazing kids who were bored or hated science, but now are teaching it to others or pursing their dream careers in it. It’s my students that are the heroes.
If all I have done is be the catalyst that allows others to be inspired to find their passion and share their story with the world, then my day is outstanding, and I feel that my life is extraordinary.
Live Workshops & Classes
I have now taken the opportunity to have a wider range of students as I dedicate my life work to educating and inspiring kids and educators through my science business Supercharged Science.
Many parents and teachers have learned the teaching strategies needed for self-motivated learning through my intensive workshops and camps.
I share a unique perspective on overcoming the stressful and overwhelming tasks of teaching science in a meaningful and impactful way through my experiences as an instructor, speaker, scientist and engineer.
How to book Aurora as a guest on your show…
With thousands of appearances from in small classrooms to convention centers, on stage live to scripted videos for publishing houses, Aurora has a unique perspective of what you need as a producer and she knows how to deliver the content in an exciting, enthusiastic way to engage and make an impression, long-term. Her science experiments have been used by tens of thousands of students around the world.
Media Inquiries
Aurora Lipper
(805) 617-1789
Since 1996, Aurora has been teaching science and engineering to kids both at the university level and also in the K-12 classroom. Her award-winning online science program features over 2,500 videos recorded both on-location (live in front of students) and in-studio in such a way that the students are dazzled by their new-found ability to do real science.
Download Aurora’s free experiment guide which includes cool science projects you can start doing right now with easy-to-find materials and step-by-step instruction on how to do the complete experiment.
You’ll soon be learning how to make the fourth state of matter in your kitchen, and you’ll also be building speakers from index cards… and so much more!
See how easy it can be for you to go from “Frustrated” about not having enough time or resources for Science… To “Fascinated” by how your kids learn science better than EVER before because now they’re enjoying it!
Join Aurora for a free hands-on science class, and participate from anywhere in the world! These classes not only teach your kids about an important scientific concept, like astronomy, robotics, aviation, oceanography, rocketry, and more… but they also provide your kids with a hands-on experience of what it’s really like to be a real scientist in the real world.
Science is about so much more than a textbook or a kit from the shelf!
With Aurora’s online science program, your students will learn real science concepts from all angles, offering visual lessons, hands-on experiments, and engaging activities that are both fun and educational.
Your kids won’t even realize that they are learning, and you’ll be surprised how much they’ve learned by what they teach you at the end of each lesson. With an abundance of science projects for every learning style, students build a strong foundation in science that will serve them long-term.
You can view past science shows so get a better feel for how science can be an amazing part of your child’s education!